March 9, 2025

Saturday Surfing, Aug. 8, 2020

summertime fun on this wonderful Saturday!
I was shocked — absolutely FLABBERGASTED! — when I discovered out future Hall of fame NFL quarterback Tom Brady doesn’t eat tomatoes, since I cannot comprehend life without tomatoes. ?



Apparently, they can cause joint inflammation. kto vedel?!

Well, as well bad, Tom, since you are no longer invited to my home for lunch today, since I’m having homemade bruschetta.

I’ve been eating so. Many. Tomatoes. V poslednej dobe. Like, obnoxious amounts of ’em since we have a couple of extremely productive tomato plants on the back deck. El Hub, otherwise understood as “The Keeper of the Tomato Plants,” must’ve delighted the tomato gods this year, since they’ve blessed us with a profound amount of the fruit. as well as yup, tomatoes are fruit! (I’m full of fun facts this morning.)


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

We’re doing bruschetta, caprese salad, tomato basil pasta… Basically, if a meal consists of tomatoes, possibilities are we’re eating it, as well as it’s been glorious!

One thing I’ve yet to try, though, is a tomato pie. A buddy of mine on Facebook published one she made, as well as I’m very curious about it. If you occur to have a recipe, please let me know. Or any type of other great tomato recipes too! — which reminds me, I requirement a tomato as well as grilled cheese sandwich, STAT. perhaps I’ll have one of those for lunch instead… Sorry, Tom Brady, you still aren’t invited. ?


A čo ty? Čo ste dnes?

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Apparently, CeraVe is a thing on TikTok.

Cats are quarantine’s unlikely heroes. ?

This appears like fun.

Someone make me these ASAP.

It. Me.

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Oh, my heavens!

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