October 24, 2024

Make-up a krása blog pondelok ankety, zv. 360

The makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll for February 16, 2015
You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Well, it isn’t exactly a poll. Je to skôr neustále sa vyvíjajúci (devolving?), Trochu náhodný zoznam otázok, ktoré som odkázal na čitateľov každý pondelok ráno za posledných sedem rokov. (Je to ako Kickstart pre váš mozog.) Vždy som si užil čítanie vašich odpovedí v komentároch a dúfam, že sa vám páči baňa.

Talking animals in commercials: yes or no?
OH do pekla, nie. They freak me out! Please back to the days when — gosh, what was that movie called? The incredible Journey? There was also Homeward Bound, the one where the animals have to cross the wilderness, and they talk along the way, but their lips don’t actually move.

Maybe I’m just a throwback to the days of yore, but for me, that’s how I picture animals communicating.

Best fashion/beauty first aid tools to bring with you and keep in your purse wherever you go?
Band-Aids, yo! Or, if you’re feeling really super fancy, Moleskin, which you can get at Walgreens. Either way, they serve the same function.

Basically, if you have a sore spot on your feet — and with me being a shoe person, this happens often, especially with a new pair of shoes — you just stick the Band-Aid on your heel or wherever that spot is to protect it from rubbing and chaffing against the shoe.

Oh! — and tide pens. Those are terrific because you never know when pizza or spaghetti sauce will go a little cray-cray. very handy when you’re wearing white.

Also, that double-sided fashion tape to keep your bra straps stuck to your clothes and hidden from view, and mini-lint/pet hair rollers, and good old-fashioned safety pins (the tiny ones are terrific for wardrobe malfunctions), and a little case of Advil/ibuprofen, because it sucks to have a headache ruin an evening.

If you could totally redecorate your house, what would you do?
I would rip out all of the carpet and put in hardwood floors. I would fix the stairs, because Tabs treats them like his own personal cat tower, so the carpet covering the stairs has been torn to shreds.

I’d redo the windows to make them more energy efficient. I would paint each and every room in the house a different color, and I would completely revamp my kitchen and get new countertops, new cupboards and a new, larger sink, because my tiny sink drives me bonkers.

And that’s just for starters.

What’s been your favorite accessory to wear lately?
These Kate Spade gumdrop small square studs.

I love those things! They go with everything, and I also have a necklace from a designer, whose name I can’t remember now. It’s a delicate gold necklace with a letter “K” pendant.

What’s your favorite way to play or experiment with color when it comes to beauty (nail polish, hair, lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, etc.)?
Hair. Definitely. I love to change the color of my hair, and I’m currently going through a dark hair phase.

I love hair because you can see it every day, and it’s easy to change.

(Well…I’m not changing it. My pal Alis is changing it.)

You can make a super dramatic change in your look by changing your hair color, and it can completely change what colors you wear on your face and how you dress. I feel like a different person when I change my hair color.


Si na rade. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!

1. talking animals in commercials: yes or no?
2. best fashion/beauty first aid tools to bring with you and keep in your purse wherever you go?
3. If you could totally redecorate your house, what would you do?
4. What’s been your favorite accessory to wear lately?
5. What’s your favorite way to play or experiment with color when it comes to beauty (nail polish, hair, lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, etc.)?


Mačky a make-up mikiny?

42 dolárov

Nakupuj teraz

First of all, happy President’s Day! Second, I think I figured out the key to Valentine’s gift-giving, and I think it might be power tools.

Apparently nothing says “I love you” like power tools.

I gave El Hub this thing called a jig saw, and his eyes lit up! Power tools: who knew?

Dúfam, že ste mali pekný víkend. Čo si robil? Did you do anything fun, and did it involve cats?


What’s the plan for this week?

Vaša priateľská susedská krása,


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